JUS Pulling Tool


Brace Tool JUS Pulling Tool, To run and retrieve subsurface tools.


BT JUS’s are made up of 7 (*9) components:

1. Fishneck2. Core3. Core Spring4. Skirt5. Dog Spring6. Dog7. Pawls8. Shear Pin Sub*9. Shear Pin Cover**1.25” / 1.375”


Used when there is a need to jar down to shear off of a subsurface tool and/or fish when a jar up tool is not desired.The core may be easily changed in the field to allow for a deeper or shallower reach depending on application.The BT JUS pulling tool is able to be turned into a BT JDC by simply changingthe fishneck and adding a core cap.


Ensure the proper core is installed so as the tool can properly be sheared, the improper core may result in the inability to release the subsurface tool and/or fish.

Care should be taken to inspect the dogs, skirt, and fishneck for damage such as metal . fatigue, cracking , or deformity of the metal.

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JUS Pulling Tool